Yoga To The People

Yoga To The People Parts 1 & 2

In 2019 Greg Gumucio’s yoga studio chain was a massive success, drawing in thousands of yogis and making Gumucio a millionaire. However, in 2020 when COVID-19 forced their studios to close, an anonymous Instagram account would not only shutter the business permanently but put Gumucio behind bars. 

Human grease-ball and teeny-peened yoga studio owner Greg Gumucio had a pretty extensive criminal history before he opened Yoga to the People, a donation-based hot yoga studio in the heart of NYC. Between his lucrative cash-only yoga classes and the studio’s prestigious teacher training program, Gumucio was raking it in and picking up young impressionable students along the way (suuuuuuper ethical). But when COVID hit, shutting down most businesses, prior employees started an anonymous Instagram page that shuttered the company for good and brought the attention of the federal government to Gumucio’s shady-ass business dealings.



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The Botched Case of Dana Jones


Aqua chow